Mouxiao Huang's profile photo
I am an Algorithm Engineer at the Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, where I am working on Deep Learning, Computer Vision, etc. Before that, I obtained my Master degree (supervised by Prof. Yu Qiao) at Multimedia Laboratory (MMLAB) of Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). I did my Bachelor degree at South China University of Technology (SCUT). More details in my CV.
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Work Experience


I have a keen interest in creating resilient algorithms capable of effectively tackling challenges in practical, everyday scenarios.

Selected publiations and priprints:

GenDet: Towards Good Generalizations for AI-Generated Image Detection
M Zhu, H Chen, M Huang, etc.

Dynamic Feature Queue for Surveillance Face Anti-spoofing via Progressive Training
K Wang*, M Huang*, G Zhang*, etc.
CVPRW 2023Paper

Improving Training and Inference of Face Recognition Models via Random Temperature Scaling
L Shang*, M Huang*, W Shi, etc.
AAAI 2023Paper

Improved Target Signal Source Tracking and Extraction Method Based on Outdoor Visible Light Communication Using a Cam-Shift Algorithm and Kalman Filter
M Huang, W Guan, etc.

High-Speed Robust Dynamic Positioning and Tracking Method Based on Visual Visible Light Communication Using Optical Flow Detection and Bayesian Forecast
W Guan, X Chen, M Huang, etc.
IEEE Photonics JournalPaper

Selected Honors & Awards


I have served as a reviewer for journals and conferences such as Neural Networks and CVPR, and am open to more reviewing opportunities. Feel free to reach out for collaborations. Please contact me at huangmouxiao [at]