Mouxiao Huang's profile photo
I am an Algorithm Engineer at the Huawei Noah's Ark Lab, where I am working on Deep Learning, Computer Vision, etc. Before that, I obtained my Master degree (supervised by Prof. Yu Qiao) at Multimedia Laboratory (MMLAB) of Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT) of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). I did my Bachelor degree at South China University of Technology (SCUT). More details in my CV.
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Work Experience


I have a keen interest in creating resilient algorithms capable of effectively tackling challenges in practical, everyday scenarios.

Selected publiations and priprints:

CSDG-FAS: Closed-Space Domain Generalization for Face Anti-spoofing
K Wang, G Zhang, H Yue, Y Liang, M Huang, etc.
International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV)Paper

GenDet: Towards Good Generalizations for AI-Generated Image Detection
M Zhu, H Chen, M Huang, etc.

Dynamic Feature Queue for Surveillance Face Anti-spoofing via Progressive Training
K Wang*, M Huang*, G Zhang*, etc.
CVPRW 2023Paper

Improving Training and Inference of Face Recognition Models via Random Temperature Scaling
L Shang*, M Huang*, W Shi, etc.
AAAI 2023Paper

Improved Target Signal Source Tracking and Extraction Method Based on Outdoor Visible Light Communication Using a Cam-Shift Algorithm and Kalman Filter
M Huang, W Guan, etc.

High-Speed Robust Dynamic Positioning and Tracking Method Based on Visual Visible Light Communication Using Optical Flow Detection and Bayesian Forecast
W Guan, X Chen, M Huang, etc.
IEEE Photonics JournalPaper

Selected Honors & Awards


I have served as a reviewer for journals and conferences such as Neural Networks, Pattern Recognition, CVPR, etc., and am open to more reviewing opportunities. Feel free to reach out for collaborations. Please contact me at huangmouxiao[at]gmail[dot]com.